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Monday Supplement Roadtest

Day two of roadtesting all the free samples I picked up at Fitx, and also day two on my Power, Precision and Pump routine.

Today I hit up all of these goodies from Bioflex Nutrition, an Australian company I actually have not tried before. So... first up was the Hydroflex Protein. Since it is disgustingly hot here I blended this up in milk with some ice + one frozen banana. It went down nicely! There's not really much more to be said about a protein supplement is there? If you want the specifics you can check it out on the Bioflex Website.

Next up was Biocharge, the pre-workout supplement. This did the job nicely. It took a little bit of shaking to get it dissolved in my ice cold water, but it went down nicely and there are no complaints about the taste. Some pre-workout supplements can be pretty intense, bordering on scary if you're not used to them. This one I found was quite mild. It did get me fired up and enthusiastic, but not with that crazy level of intensity of some other supplements. Whether that's a good thing or a bad thing is up to you.

Now, once I started training, that's when I new this was a good supplement. I felt strong and powerful. My POWER move on today's card was One Arm Dumbbell Rows, and I worked my way up to 60kg for 5 reps. For an 83kg guy, that was pretty good!

Finally the Recover X supplement, intended as a post-workout supplement but I took mine about 1/3 of the way through training as is my wont. I wasn't nuts about the orange flavour, but it was ok. That's a minor complaint at worst. This is one of the hardest days on my routine, it is a ridiculously hot day, and for some reason I decided to do lots of isolateral stuff. One arm dumbbell rows, rear delt laying lateral raises, glute isolation machine... it seemed like I was in the gym for a LONG time working very hard indeed. I got through everything though and was pretty happy with all of my numbers from start to finish. The supplement has to have played a part in that.

ALSO after training I hit up some International Protein Cookies & Cream flavour. Delicious!


Sunday Supplement Roadtest

As promised, here is the first Supplement Roadtest Report, testing out all the free samples I picked up at FitX over the weekend.

Raw Fusion Vegan Protein Powder

I took this as my pre-workout shake today. Now, usually my pre-workout shake is vanilla whey concentrate, blended in milk with a frozen banana. Blending a Vegan powder in with milk seemed silly so today I used iced water instead, as well as the banana as usual. The results were good! I actually used two serves of the powder, creating rather a massive shake. I wouldn't say it was amongst the best tasting protein supplements I've tried, but it was certainly not unpleasant either. It went down nicely, didn't feel gritty like other vegan protein supplements I have tried, and I didn't feel like I needed to wait as long as usual afterwards before taking my pre-workout supplement and then hitting the gym.

So, for any vegan or lactose intolerant people, I would have no hesitation in recommending this product.

Click this link for more info on this Vegan Protein Supplement on their official website.

Next up was Cellucor C4 Extreme.

Oh wow. I took the sample of this in a nice ice cold cup of water and the taste was good. Gave it a little while to start kicking in, and then headed off to the gym. It's only a short drive and I had some cool heavy metal (Blaze Bayley) on in the car... by the time I got to gym I was in an awesome mood... smiling at people, whistling, not even complaining about the horrible heat and humidity... fired up and raring to go!

And I tell you what boys and girls... once I started I was full of energy, strength and power. Didn't quite break any of my personal best numbers, but I came pretty damn close. And the harder I worked, the better my mood got.

I'll definitely purchase this great supplement in the near future when I run out of what I've got now.

More information the Cellucor C4 Extreme Pre-workout supplement courtesy of AAA Supplements. Gee I hope I am remembering who gave me what correctly!

Next up was Ultimate Nutrition BCAA 12000.

I like to start sipping on some Branch Chain Amino Acids from about 1/3 of the way through my training session, and I feel like it keeps me going when I've already burned up a huge amount of my energy reserves on my first POWER & PRECISION exercises. This stuff did the job nicely today, and tasted good as well!

More info on Ultimate Nutrition BCAA 12000, again courtesy of AAA Supplements.

Finally after training, the brand new Ready To Grow from International Protein.

What can I say really? I had this chilled in the fridge, and it was DELICIOUS.

International Protein is a great Aussie company and you should support them and enjoy the benefits of their great products.

That's it for today but I have LOTS more stuff to review in the days ahead.


Had a good time at FitX this weekend

I braved the crowds and the HEAT and headed out Friday evening and Saturday day time to the FitX Sport And Fitness Expo in Melbourne.

It was a top event. Firstly the Exhibition Centre has very good air conditioning so that was a good start!

My haul of free samples I'll be reviewing this week!
We caught a bit of the qualifying for various categories in figure, physique and body building competition,
watched a decent amount of the strong man contest, cheerleading demonstration, and a little of the boxing and kickboxing. Also I went in the bench press and push up contests... didn't win but did some respectable numbers! Bumped into a few people I know and hadn't seen for a while as well, so that was nice.

Mostly though I picked up a huge stash of supplement samples, including proteins, pre-workouts, intra workouts and post workout recovery supplements. So in the week ahead I'll be roadtesting all of these and I'll post my reports right here.


DHPT Power, Precision & Pump Day One

OK, back to the start again!

I've been posting videos most days for the past week or so, with a run through of what I did each day. Also every day I point out that the videos are kind of crap and there'll be some better ones coming before too long.

Today was back to Day 1 which is a big PUSH day.

Supposedly POWER day for horizontal pushing... but I dunno if it was the heat (we are in the middle of a record breaking heat wave down here at the moment and I am finding it hard to function) or what, but I couldn't seem to muster much power today. So after four sets instead of going heavier as planned I decided to go lighter and get a decent amount of reps out instead.

I dunno why my legs look so skinny in this video either! Here it is:

After the POWER horizontal pushing section we move on to a Precision move, in this case Hyght Flies. These are quite unpleasant but I find they force a really hard contraction in my pecs, which is where I want it.

Next up, PUMP stuff for lower body. I considered doing some supersets here but then I decided that was a bloody stupid idea in this heat, so it was Leg Extensions followed by Hack Squat. Hard work at the best of times!

Finally I always finish this routine with prefatigue supersets of Dumbbell Lateral Raises into Machine Shoulder Press.

Really a hellacious day, and tomorrow I get to do it all again in the opposite direction for Pull day!

DHPT Power, Precision & Pump Day 8

I missed a few days of training reports & videos, but I'll catch up on those in the week coming. Again in case you missed it in earlier entries, the videos are crap but we have plans of doing some better ones soon. This is just me leaning my phone against something while I'm training, and hoping for the best.

So Day 8 on my program is PULL day and also double duty for legs!

I started out with deadlifts. I'm just easing back into these after some time off them and to be honest I'm not that impressed with my form on this video. I'll work on that next time and do a better job, and hopefully pull some better numbers too. I followed these with some Reverse Hyper Extensions which I'm in love with lately, before moving on to my upper body section.

First up here was High Row machine. On my card this is a "high to low" pulling movement, opposite to Incline Press which I did at this point yesterday. You see how it works? The video shows my last set on this exercise, not so heavy, lots of reps.... pulling back hard and fast.

Next up I decided to try some pull ups for something different, instead of latt pulldown which I do more often. Pull ups usually aggravate some problems with my forearm tendons but I figured I might get away with a neutral grip. I figured correct, but only 8 reps at a time? That's crap, I'll have to improve on that.

Finally some straight arm pull downs. I mix these up as I see fit on the day... sometimes with a rope, sometimes a little wider like this. Once again I watch the video and think to myself "wow that's a bit fast isn't it?"

To finish up it was back to hamstring and hip extension type movements, and for something different I decided to superset Reverse Hyper Extensions with Glue Isolation machine. It was quite horrible, I liked it!

That was it for Day 8! Tomorrow, back to Day 1!

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