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Eat More To Lose Weight

If you aint following me, DaveHPT on Facebook you're missing out big time.

Last week I posted a photo a happy client snapped while out at a cafe for breakfast, with a bit of commentary from me explaining that if you want to be healthy and happy AND see great results from training, you need to be fuelled right. If you just want to be "about normal size", you need eat an "about normal" amount. Now, to get to about normal size and be in extra great shape, we need a strategic training program to encourage the body to take all of that fuel and put it to good use.

In order to lose weight we do need to be in a calorific deficit. That is, we need to be consuming less than we would require to maintain our current weight. However, we still need to be adequately fuelled in order to facilitate great results from training. This is where many people go wrong, as their calorie goal may be based on creating a deficit below what would be expected to maintain weight with an inactive lifestyle... either that, or even worse, the plan is simply to eat as little as possible.

Well... you can go read the facebook post in question and what you'll see underneath is just some of the people who've taken my advice and increased their daily intake to an amount more suitable to fuel, recover and adapt favourably to their exercise routine. What people soon realise is that with a more suitable target range of calories, there is much more room for more of the foods they like to eat, and this includes some purely for indulgence.

Now, what happens when people are eating hundreds of calories more per day, from the foods that they like to eat instead of following some restrictive list of what's "good" and what's "bad", including ice cream, pizza or whatever else they feel like... and they actually get BETTER results than they did before? Better performance at training or in sport, and in the changes in body composition they've been trying to create?

I'll tell you what happens; they get happy. Very, very happy.

So if you want to be as happy as all the people talking on my facebook page, head over here to watch a little video about my Custom Flexible Dieting Guidelines, and hit the "buy now" button.

Training Video: Pushing Routine

Better late than never, here's the selected high lights of my pushing routine from yesterday.

It's always interesting to watch these back and note little things in the tempo or technique of the exercise, things I'd notice if it was a Personal Training client or training partner. For example on this video, pec dec and the incline press machine are way too fast. Decline barbell press in particular is pretty good though... really resisting on the way down and exploding back up. I apparently failed to film the dumbbell side lateral raises and tricep push down, for some reason.

Training Video: Deadlifts and Pull Day

Well... here's how I ended the week, with a new PR on deadlifts.

This one has been a long time coming, so I'm quite pleased. Looking back that video, my form is perhaps not as tight as usual, but still effective. If I can tighten it up a little more again, 185kg should not be too far away.

This is also a good example of how we use Pyramid Sets such as are featured in my Progressive Power, Precision & Pump program which is a part of my Online Personal Training system. As you can see, I start out with a decent weight for about 8 or 10 reps, then go heavier for about 6 reps, then heavier still for 4 reps, and so on. Deadlift is really the only lift where I'm bothered about testing my 1 rep max, but we can use the same sort of programming towards a 6 rep max on squats, 4 rep max on bench press, or any other amount of reps on any of what I would classify as a "power" exercise.

You can't just walk in and pick up 180kg off the ground when that is the current limit of your ability, you need to work up to it gradually in sensible increments. Of course, once you can lift something once... it is only a matter of time before you can lift it twice, which probably means you can set a new personal best at your one rep max as well.

Also in the video a bunch of extra stuff for traps, real delts and biceps which I'm trying to develop a bit more at the moment.

Training Video: Full Body Push Day

Today's routine was my full body push day, which usually means some chest, some quads, and some shoulders.

Not shown in the video is some machine lateral raises, and triceps push down.

I dunno why my calves look SO skinny. I need to address this situation!

Back and Biceps Training Video

More correctly in the context of my program, this is Upper Body, Pulling Routine. Which is mostly back, rear delts and some broceps to finish off. I'm really trying to bring my traps and biceps up this season so... on the other pull day there'll be some shrugs and maybe upright rows as well.


This was a pretty fun session today at Doherty's Gym in Brunswick. If you're looking for Personal Training In Brunswick give me a yell and we'll get started.

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