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Calling people out on their bullshit and excuses

File under "how to make enemies and alienate people", right?

I mean... look, people DO need to be called out on their bullshit, but how does it usually go down when you try it? Better question, how does it go down when someone tries it with you? Not so smoothly am I right?

None of us are perfect in all aspects of life. Some of us might excel in one area while neglecting others... some people appear to be successful across the board, but still feel unfulfilled. There is no shortage of highly successful, respected people who've made it to the top of their field, only to reveal that they were battling depression the whole time.

This may seem like a pessimistic way to start an article but really it isn't. The point is that no one is perfect, but it is still possible to overcome whatever obstacles and be successful and content. The difference between the successful people and the rest of us is that they kept trying, failed, tried again, and didn't quit no matter how many times they had a good excuse to.

Here's the issue. You can't really just go about handing out reality checks to people, no matter how good your intentions are. You know all this already, I'm sure. If you want to do that, go study first, get a qualification, set your prices and even then, save it for the people who'll actually pay you to keep them accountable. The rest don't want to hear it, and from their perspective, why should they?

It works the same way with people trying to give you advice, and busting whatever bullshit excuse you're holding yourself back with. Most of the time, people won't do it. Either they don't want to hurt your feelings, they don't want an argument, or maybe they actually like that you're not quite getting there... and they like feeling like they're doing a little bit better than you are.

So, unless you're going to hire a good, no-nonsense style Personal Trainer or coach... you're going to have to do it yourself. You're going to have to call yourself out on whatever stories you've got going through your head about why you can't be successful. Like I said earlier, anyone who's ever been successful in anything has had to do this... and I'd go so far as to say that many of them have had to get up and do it over and over again, day after day.


Online Personal Training Testimonial

Here's a brand new testimonial from the latest member of Team DaveHPT.

My FREE weight loss program is at close to 92,000 hits by now, which is amazing. Like I always say, the important part here is that it's A LOT of people who are NOT going to be sucked in to scam products or dangerous, restrictive diets.

Now, as to the paid program this testimonial refers to, you should check out this before and after transformation post over on wordpress. File under DHPT Online Coaching Testimonials.

Vegetarian and Vegan Strength Training

Video highlights from training last weekend.

So how should vegetarians train for strength and aesthetics? The same way as anyone else with the same goals. You need to train strategically and methodically towards your goal body type, with a balanced program primarily focussed on resistance training with a little extra cardio or interval training as well.

On the nutrition side, IIFYM or flexible dieting principles still apply. In fact, they have never applied more than they do in the case of vegetarian and vegan athletes. You do need an appropriate total calorie goal, with an appropriate ratio of protein, to carbohydrate, to fats. Obviously you will have less choices of protein sources than an omnivorous human would, but there are no shortages of vegetarian or even vegan protein sources. Generally speaking, a vegetarian or vegan is likely to have a much more comprehensive micronutrient intake, due to the inclusion of greater amounts and variety of fresh vegetables in their diet.

There's a new entry over on my main website all about Vegetarian And Vegan Personal Training In Brunswick, you should go check that out.


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