Credit to Robert Palka who collated all of these links for a recent facebook post.
Could we please stop wasting time and money on the FMS, and move on? I also thought "it worked!" when using it.A preliminary list of links to research on the effectiveness of the Functional Movement Screen for prediction and prevention of injury.
- Utility of FMS to understand injury incidence in sports: current perspectives (June 2018)
- Do Functional Movement Screen (FMS) composite scores predict subsequent injury? A systematic review with meta-analysis:
- Evaluation of the Functional Movement Screen as an Injury Prediction Tool Among Active Adult Populations: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis:
- Injury history, sex, and performance on the functional movement screen and Y balance test:
- The Functional Movement Screen and Injury Risk: Association and Predictive Value in Active Men:
- Association of the Functional Movement Screen with injuries in division I athletes:
- Predicting Musculoskeletal Injury in National Collegiate Athletic Association Division II Athletes From Asymmetries and Individual-Test Versus Composite Functional Movement Screen Scores:
- Exercise Biology - Functional Movement Screen: Is it Really a Screen?
- Cor-Kinetic - Should We Be Screening Movements?
- Cor-Kinetic - What Are You Really Assessing With A Biomechanical Assessment?
Consider this as unfinished / a work in progress.