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Diets Do Not Work: No Bullshit No Excuses

I made a little promo video for my No Bullshit, No Excuses weight loss & body aesthetics program, available exclusively through my website.

Like it says in the video, DIETS DO NOT WORK. If your friend lost 8kg but then put 12kg back on, that means the DIET DID NOT WORK, get it? You want to lose the weight, and then keep it off, right?

More importantly, you want to maintain a healthy weight range, with a toned attractive figure. To do that, you just need the facts without the bullshit.

Weight loss programs with no calorie counting required?

As you might expect, I have some opinions on the matter!

My Best Online PT Package

It's a long time been blog entries but I have some exciting news!

I'm about to unveil my brand new "No Bullshit, No Excuses" training program. As the name implies, this program discards every myth, half truth, fad and fallacy and just gives you the simple facts, the stuff that works. What's more, when you learn & truly understand this stuff, there is absolutely no excuse for not sticking with it and making it work. Because it's EASY.

Sounds like every other marketing spiel right? Well, like I said, this time it is NO BULLSHIT.

As always this program is about building a lean, toned, attractive and aesthetic physique. This means less fat, and more lean mass. Improved health, posture and general happiness and well being are the bonus extras!

Stay tuned for more on this. Get excited, I am!

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