This “If It Fits Your Macros” or IIFYM approach to eating seems to be
really growing in popularity so I am going to go over the facts as I
see them for educational purposes.
First off, for those of you who just don’t know, “macros” is short
for “macronutrients” and refers to the ratio of calories sourced from
protein, carbohydrates or fats within your total daily intake. Unless
you’re one of those fortunate people who seems to be able to just get it
right by intuition, if you have a specific body composition goal (for
example; reduce body fat, increase muscle mass) in mind, you are going
to need to consume the right amount of calories each day, with the right
balance of macronutrients.
In short, “if it fits your macros” has become the default answer for a
lot of people to any question along the lines of “can I eat [insert
type of food] and still lose weight?” In other words “eat whatever you
want, as long as you end up hitting your nutritional targets”.
Generally speaking, I like this approach. But lets look at the pros and cons to see how it really works out.
The Good.
Obviously the best part is that you get to eat whatever the hell you
want, rather than following some restrictive, boring “diet plan” some
marketing person has come up with. Bottom line, if you’re not enjoying
what you’re eating, you’re going to struggle to keep to the plan. So by
eating the foods that you enjoy and even the odd treat thrown in, you’re
far more likely to stick to the plan long term.
Now as far as the science goes… here’s the theory in rather simple
terms; on a daily basis, you’re either eating (a) enough food to gain
weight, (b) enough food to lose weight, or (c) precisely the right
amount of food to maintain your current weight. Pretty simple right?
Regardless of the amount or frequency of meals, high or low GI, etc etc,
you are either getting the correct amount of calories to achieve your
goal, or you are not. Simple! Of course, as the body uses different
types of calories for different purposes, you need to get the balance of
macronutrients right as well. Not necessarily down to the last
percentage point, but somewhere in the vicinity.
The Bad.
This of course means that you have to do your homework, and actually
learn about your calorific and macronutrient requirements, as well as
the breakdown of calories in the foods that you eat regularly. I really
think you should be doing this anyway though, if you really want to be
in control of your destiny in as far as reaching your fitness / body
composition goals.
Of course nothing in life is as simple as “just eat whatever you
want”. You CAN eat whatever you want, but of course the more empty
calories (aka junk food) you consume, the harder it is to end up
arriving at your nutritional targets. So, with careful planning you
might be able to sneak in that treat in the mid afternoon, but you’ll
need to compensate at other times of the day with meal choices that are
higher in protein and lower in fats and or sugars.
The ugly.
So the bottom line is, hit your correct amount of total calories,
with the correct balance of protein, fats and carbohydrates. All three
of these macronutrients are important, and a surplus or lack of any one
of them will hamper your efforts in achieving your goals.
This next part seems to often be overlooked by proponents of the
IIFYM philosophy; it’s easy to say “meal times, glycemic index and so
forth are not important as long as you hit your macros”, BUT you also
want to make it through the day without feeling like you’re starving,
right? So it is often best (depending on your targets and your goals, of
course) to choose foods that will keep you feeling full for longer, and
contain less calories in a larger serving size. Junk food is called
junk food because it tends to be the opposite, aka large amount of
calories in a small serving, but even “junk food” won’t make you fat if
your total energy intake is not inappropriate.
So there you have it, people. Actually, I would have said “make it
fit your macros” is probably a better choice of phrase, because if you
want to indulge in some treats, you do have to make allowances for it.
Want more?
This is quite an old entry and who would have known when I wrote it
that I’d go on to become a well known IIFYM or (as we now call it)
Flexible Dieting specialist. If you’d like a lot more information in
line with current best practices, head on over to the
Online Coaching page and drop your details in the box.