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Integrity and the importance of a clear conscience

Following on from my post about Business Planning For Independent Personal Trainers earlier this week, a little talk about integrity in business. Now... it's no secret that there's a lot of scumbags and scam artists out there in any field of business and especially in weight loss. There's certainly money to be made through having no integrity, dubious ethics and misleading marketing practices, but I'm pretty sure you're not interested in learning how to do any of that. I'd like to think most people in the PT business are genuine and actually want to help people though, and apart from having to compete with and avoid being screwed by the dishonest business people, there are a few other points that might be an issue as well.

What I mean by integrity is equal parts doing the right thing by yourself and doing the right thing by other people. We're in the business of helping people, but that doesn't mean we do so to our own detriment. This means we charge a fair rate, we pay a reasonable fee for use of the facilities, and we do the right thing by cleaning up after ourselves and so forth.

If you are dealing with people (gym owners) who also have integrity, this will be enough to foster a mutually beneficial arrangement. By marketing yourself, you are also marketing the gym. When you sign a new client, the gym also gets a new member. Maybe the client also buys a set of gloves, supplements, water before training and a protein shake after training. You are contributing to the success of the facility, and in return you have the opportunity to use the facilities to become successful in your own business.

This is a fair arrangement and provided you are doing the right thing in terms of paying your fees on time, cleaning up after yourself and so on, most ethical business owners will be only too happy to have you on board. The good ones will leave you to run your business as you see fit, and the really good ones will assist you in becoming more successful, perhaps by promoting and recommending you to potential new clients, or by actively mentoring you either in your approach to training or business development skills.

These opportunities are somewhat rare though, so as I said in the previous entry if you are lucky enough to find one treat it like gold. It is an invaluable asset. The opposite and more common people you may find yourself dealing with are the more self centred, short sighted type... who are happy for you to be there and to be making money, but only if they are making more money from you being there than you are making yourself.

These sort of people are good at painting things into a light where you being successful is unfair and something you should feel guilty about, as if you are being greedy in wanting to make enough money to pay your own bills or something, even while making a fair contribution to their business as well. Avoid these types if you can, but if you find that you're dealing with one the value of integrity is that you already know that you are making a fair contribution, doing the right thing, and are entitled to make a fair profit for your efforts. Therefore, you have no reason to give in to unfair demands due to doubting your own intentions or value.

I'll tell you some stories about a gym owner like this that I had to endure some other time.


Effective Training Programs For Men And Women

I'm gonna do a post about the difference in training programs for men and for women. That is, the difference in effective programs for men and women; not the difference between programs marketed towards one sex or the other.

I was working in a little gym last year and I would say 90% of the people didn't really have "a program" as far as I could tell. Especially the females were mostly just doing the usual bike, treadmill, x-trainer "plus some dumbbells to tone the arms" sort of ... unproductive activities, let's call them.

So anyway I took it upon myself to put people on an actual program. Pretty much the same as the free program on Lose Weight No Bullshit, right? And people were happy because someone had finally shown them how to use some of the equipment and explained why it was useful, and they felt like they were actually doing something worthwhile that would produce results.

But you know... a few times I had to sort of explain or justify myself to people who thought they knew better. Like, shouldn't everyone get a different program? Shouldn't males and females do different programs?

Well, not really. The difference in how men and women train usually come down to not knowing any better. Once you actually have some understanding of effective training, you realise that it's not about programs for men or programs for women. It is about programs for human beings. 

Now how you put these programs together can vary a little or a lot but there are a few bases that always need to be covered, as follows:
  • Pushing Movements
  • Pulling Movements
  • Bending & Extending At The Knee
  • Bending & Extending At The Hip
You can do this with free weights, leverage machines, cable machines, body weight exercises, TRX, resistance tubes... and you have different choices of exercises from each of these options. A competent trainer will be able to choose the most suitable option, or variety of options for each client from within their preferred method and either ascend or descend them as required. That is, make each exercise more or less challenging to suit the current abilities of the client.

Regardless of age, sex, ability level, natural aptitude or even your goal. You do it by getting stronger and healthier. Sporting performance goal? You need to get stronger and healthier. Body composition, weight loss or aesthetics based goal? You need to get stronger and healthier.

Any effective training program is about making human beings, people, stronger and healthier.

And happier.

Deadlift session from the weekend

With my main man SuperJubs aka Toast And Iron on Tumblr.

Progression was 150kg, 160kg, 165kg and 170kg... except I could quite pull the 170... for now!

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